Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. ~ George Bernard Shaw


Welcome! Thanks for joining me in a place that merges both personal and professional insight, experience and moments that I choose to share. If you have come this far, you are committed and passionate about creating success. With the right tools in place you are ready to make change. I invite you to get to know me a bit better. I am that person who can help define your path and help you execute the change of course to ensure active results and professional growth. If you read something that sparks dialogue, please do drop me a line, via email or call.

The Three Key Principles of Quality

The Three Key Principles of Quality

posted by Dave Dame date-icon November 18, 2009

Everyone is responsible for quality, but senior management must emphasize and initiate quality improvement, and then move it down through the organization to the individual employees. The following three quality principles must be in place for quality to happen: 1. Management is responsible for quality. Quality cannot be delegated effectively. Management must accept the responsibility for the quality of the products produced in their organization; otherwise, quality will not happen. A quality function is only a catalyst in making quality happen.…

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Ordinary Life…what an extraordinary effort

Ordinary Life…what an extraordinary effort

posted by Dave Dame date-icon November 15, 2009

The last couple of months have been insane. For the first time in 5 years I became incredibly sick. I have no one to blame but myself for stretching myself thin in all areas of my life. However, for me to have an ordinary life it requires an extraordinary effort. Balancing work/life is challenging for everyone. We all want to make an impact in our chosen profession and it’s easy to allow our passion to consume us as we strive to leave our footprint with our organization. When I got sick it made sense for ‘rest’ and me to stay…

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